Cloud Pricing

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Unlimited Website Free 4 CPU 4 GB RAM Unmetered† Unmetered† ₦4,900/mo Cloud Max Order Now
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why choose us

Fully Managed Cloud Hosting

We give you the freedom to focus on your business.

Cloud Simplified

Secure, Powerful and Easily Scalable

SSD Storage

Fast, Reliable and Efficient Storage.

Data Migration

Transfer your hosting to our cloud effortlessly.

24/7 Support

Support from pros any time any day.

50+ Applications

1 click install for wordpress, joomla, etc.

99.9% Uptime

Maximum uptime assured

Cloud Hosting FAQ

Cloud Hosting is the newest form of web hosting that is gaining great popularity over the recent years. The concept of cloud hosting is principally 'Divide and Rule'. The cluster of servers that work together to meet the resources required for maintaining your website is termed as a cloud.

A website hosted on shared hosting is placed on the same server as many other sites, that could range from a few to hundreds. In this setup, all websites share Storage, RAM and CPU from the same server. On the contrary, our cloud hosting services offers nearly unlimited ability to handle traffic spikes because of a virtualization layer with a separate CEPH storage cluster and upgradable CPU Core and RAM model. In case if one storage instance is rendered inaccessible, the other instances will be able to serve the stored information due to 3N redundancy.

Our Cloud Hosting Services offers maximum reliability by automatically distributing three data mirrored copies across multiple devices for data safety. Every website is hosted on a virtual partition of multiple physical servers which draws resources like disk space and bandwidth from these.

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